I gotta hand it to Nike with their new commercial for their line of soccer (excuse me--futbol) merch. The commercial, which debuted I'm assuming during the Euro 2008 Championships this past weekend is in one word, incredible. I'm not a huge soccer fan, although I will watch when the World Cup rolls around and I've also had an opportunity to announce somewhere in the range of 100 soccer games in my life (not sure if I'm bragging or not), but this commercial can't help but get you excited.
Chances are, we won't see a version of this commercial for American Football (I figure it's the only sport that can duplicate what we see--maybe hockey but nobody cares about hockey).
Anyhow, check out the commerical in High Definition here, it's worth the time it takes to load, or you can watch it below You Tube style.
*UPDATE*: The commercial is directed by Guy Ritchie (the guy who brought you "Snatch" and "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels").
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