This story is the reason I still cannot get over why soccer doesn't thrive in America. Regardless, roughly 30 people were arrested in Manchester after a video board showing a Uefa Cup championship match failed. Three "Fan Zones" were set up around Manchester so fans without tickets could still watch the match. However, the screen in Piccadilly Gardens (see picture) failed roughly 15 minutes prior to the start of the match (culture shock #1: they don't call them games in the UK) which instigated a mini-riot (because of soccer--how odd).
One spectator, who in no way blew the broken screen issues out of proportion said, "It's an absolute shambles, shame on Manchester, shame on Manchester - it's let the country down."
For whatever reason, I just imagine the person who said that to be bleeding after taking a bottle to the head, but since he's an English Socc--excuse me, football fan, he just shakes it off.
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